Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's Hot!

Well there is no doubt we are in the tropics now! The sun has been shining through the clouds more these last couple of days (allowing our solar panels to charge our batteries), which has made it hot both on deck and in the cabin. Two pics are included from today. The first shows Nick S and Kurt baking in the sun, and the second shows Nick G and Larry baking in the sun (though about to be hit by some rain from a squall).

Two questions to answer from the previous post!


Avi Baskin: Have you guys caught any fish yet?

Bullet: No, we have not, as we have not tried. The return crew (which will bring Bullet back to SF from Hawaii), will definitely try to catch some fish. So, look for their progress later this month.


Sarah: 1) What's the reason for going southwest and now making a "sharp" turn? 2) Also, wonder what are first desires when your toes reach ground???

Bullet: 1) Well, there are some tactics involved for that turn, and we don't want to show our cards just yet (the race is still on ...). But, in short that sharp turn you saw was a gybe we made yesterday. You will see we made another gybe back this morning. It is not very fast to sail direct downwind, so we always like to be sailing at an angle to the wind. So, if we are trying to go downwind to get to our destination, it is probably faster to gybe back and forth than for follow the direct path to the finish.

2) I think all of us are first looking forward to see our friend and family! Second to that, a nice bed that does not constantly move and is not inside what sounds like a noisy wind tunnel. The Mai Tais promised at dockside upon arrival on Oahu sound pretty delish at this point as well.


Thanks to Sarah and Avi for the questions!

There should be little or no delay with the YB tracking page now, so you should be able to track us live across the finish. About 275 nm to go, and we hope to be there late Friday/early Saturday Hawaiian time.