Tuesday, July 19, 2016


It has been a busy last 24 hours, as we have been focusing on sailing through an area with a lot of squall activity. These are small weather systems that bring rain and wind, so we have to be ready for them so the extra wind does not over-power our sail plan. So far we have navigated through with no major issues, and got the bonus of a free fresh-water rinse. We continue to make gains on our competition, and are busily planning our approach to Oahu. We are closely tracking the tropical weather systems approaching the islands, to make sure for a safe arrival. Attached is a photo of our sunset this evening, which we have rarely seen due to the consistent over cast skies.


  1. Great photo! Hoping the squall activity calms down! Go team Bullet!

  2. You are almost there and doing great--swells look exciting!! Hope you are warm....

  3. Looks like you guys are doing a great job. Keep it up but always safe.

  4. Great job, guys! Keep up the good work!
