Monday, August 8, 2016

Half Way Party!

Today we celebrate our half way milestone!

Were on day 10 and on a passage like this, sometimes it's best to keep your mind off the individual miles covered and the seconds as they pass on. Dwelling on what can feel like a snail's pace crawl across the big chart can suck the enjoyment right out of the adventure. Instead we've been able to adjust to a different pace of things, enjoy the simple beauty of the world around us, tell stories, be considerate, work though challenges, laugh, and continue an unforgettable experience. It may have been tough to say all of that after just the first several days but we knew the trip could throw anything at us and its the tough days that make the good days so good.

We took showers today and are feeling oh so fresh! The jams playing on the stereo while JT serves up a cheese plate to the cockpit and cooks up some delicious dinner. We treated ourself to a small taste of spiced rum and offered a taste to Bullet and our It's a beautiful night.

You'll see on the tracker we're well in our turn to the east and in the next day or so we should be on our heading directly into San Francisco Bay. The jib is down as we punch through the last bit of light winds on the nose and as soon as the wind starts to clock left to our port beam we should be able to change head sails to our reaching sail and cut the engine for a smooth sail home.

You'll also see on the tracker other boats making their passage home from Hawaii. We call in every night over SSB to report our position and conditions to each other and share any information that might be helpful. It may look like we're all very close on the map but we haven't been within eye sight of the others.

No new wildlife to speak of. Only some interesting jellyfish (we're guessing) that extend a small fin out of the water that look like a they have their own main sail. They let the winds take them where it may I suppose.

Thanks for following and talk to you all soon!



  1. Ever so good! Congratulations and my you have fair wind and smooth seas the rest of the way home.

  2. Yeah! Glad to hear you are on the home stretch!

  3. Congrats on halfway! Don't forget to share some rum with Ritchie!

  4. Congrats!!! But don't let Ritchie get too crunk. He's gotta preserve his species.

  5. Congratulations Bullet crew! So nice following you through the blog and tracker as you adventure home. Is Ritchie still with you? <3 Linda
