Monday, August 1, 2016


So Bullet is back in Squally-wood! The last couple of days and nights have been punctuated by squalls. Some are big, but most are small, and bring rain and higher winds. We avoid those we can, but sometimes ride them out if we don't have time to dodge. Some of them have actually given us favorable winds that have allowed us to temporarily steer in a more easterly direction (i.e. towards California!). The winds have been manageable. We have kept the main reefed since departing Oahu so when we do hit the higher winds we still have control of the boat.

The last couple of nights have been mostly clear, allowing for some great star gazing -- certainly a highlight of the night watches. Anthony put out the fishing line for the first time today ... no bites as of yet.

Thank you to Ashley for posting the tracking website to our last blog entry (we departed Oahu prior to PacCup posting the link)! In case you missed it, you can track us at:

Thanks to all for the comments and encouragement. If you ave any questions, feel free to post in a comment and we will try to answer.



  1. Looks like you're making good progress! Hope Anthony has better luck soon, not that you're tired of the packaged meals already.

  2. Thanks for the updates! Glad the blog is still going and we can track the boat!

  3. Sounds like you are making great time, take some pictures, and post if possible.

  4. Nice easterly progress! Are any of the other boats close enough to see? (Wikipedia informs me that one can see 2.9 miles across the horizon).

  5. Go Bullet! You are still in the lead, but Pyewacket is on your starboard side and going 8+knots. Hope you catch a fish. I never got one going to Hawaii or Mexico. Going to Mexico, Beki would drop a line overboard and have a small tuna within 15 minutes.
