Sunday, August 14, 2016

Singin' to Ourselves

During our time out here, we often sings sounds to ourselves or eachother. Usually its just a little rendition of a ol' classic (The wind will clock north, Tomorrow, Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there will be northern wind...) but we thought we would share a Bullet Crew original ditty -- inspired by the conditions during these past few watches.

Give me a full keel,
Without a lot of heel.
A nice center cockpit
with a big ol' wheel.

Give me a winch that holds,
A head that flows,
A nice dry locker
Where we can stow our cloths.

Give me a diesel heater,
Nav desk with gimbaled seater,
A nice dinner table
Where we can rest our keister.

Give me a aft cabin
Where we can do our gabbin'
A nice big bed
With an awful lot of paddin'



  1. A great little ditty!! Now for a recording....

  2. Yall are super close now! :D Hope you get to see the sunset over the bridge!

  3. Couldn't help consulting the great circle distance calculator ( and YB Tracker info you are now 40nm from the Golden Gate! @current SOG 6 kn = in the Bay before midnight PDT!
    Hope the wind picks up and you go even faster! Welcome Back!
